Have You Seen Your Foot Doctor Lately?

What Caused Your Corn And How To Treat It

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If you have a painful growth between your toes or on the top of your foot, you may think you have a wart. It could be a corn instead. A corn is a common foot condition that’s often caused by your foot rubbing against your shoe. Here is some information about what causes this condition and how a podiatrist can help. What Causes A Corn A corn is a buildup of dead and thick skin that your body creates to protect the area from irritation. Read More»

What Can You Do About Stubborn Plantar Fasciitis?

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Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the connective tissues in the bottom of the foot, known as the plantar fascia, swell and become irritated. It is often brought on by tight calves and repetitive motion, such as running or walking. Many cases clear up within a few weeks with rest, some stretches, and regular icing treatments. But sometimes plantar fasciitis lingers, causing ongoing symptoms for months or years. If you have a stubborn case of lingering plantar fasciitis, here’s a look at your treatment options. Read More»

Preventing Blisters During Long-Distance Races

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Many people enjoy participating in competitive runs. Running can be a great way to get exercise and meet new friends, but long distance running can take a toll on the overall health of you feet if you are not prepared to withstand the distance. Blisters can often plague long-distance runners, making the completion of a race uncomfortable. Here are three tips that you can use to help prevent blisters during your next long-distance race. Read More»

Three Common Reasons Behind Heel Pain

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In general, a sedentary person may walk only about 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day, but can you imagine doing that when your foot hurts? When you experience pain in your heel, it can be very difficult to get routine tasks done. Foot problems can not only be painful, but they can put you behind when trying to get stuff done. When you haven’t experienced any type of foot injury that you know of, but you have a pain in your heel, it is crucial to get to the bottom of it. Read More»

The Causes And Treatments Of Bunions

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Have you noticed a bony bump on the side of your big toe? It might be a bunion. Bunions are a common deformity that in severe cases can make even simple tasks (such as walking or standing for long periods) exceedingly painful. What Causes Bunions? Bunions often run in families; if one of your family members has bunions, you are more likely to get them. They are more common in women, who are more likely to wear tight and narrow shoes that can constrict the feet and cause problems with your foot’s bone structure. Read More»