Have You Seen Your Foot Doctor Lately?

Non-Surgical Treatment For Common Foot Issues

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Not all foot issues are going to require surgery. Some can be treated using non-surgical treatments. A lot of foot issues are caused by wearing the wrong type of footwear. Read on for a few common foot issues that may be treated using non-surgery treatments.  Bunion A bunion is the protrusion of the bone in the toe that causes your toes to turn in towards the other toes. It usually affects the big toe, but it can affect the pinky toe as well. Read More»

Why Are Your Ankles Frequently Sore?

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Some ankle injuries are acute and caused by a single action. For example, perhaps you slip and twist your ankle, resulting in a sprain. Other ankle problems seem to appear out of nowhere, but they nag and nag you. Maybe you wake up every day to an achy ankle, or perhaps it always gets sore after you’ve been on your feet for a few hours. Just because you don’t remember injuring your ankle does not mean nothing is wrong or that the pain is all in your head. Read More»

Plantar Warts? What To Know About Them And DIY Relief Options

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Plantar warts are a common cause of foot pain and discomfort for both children and adults. Caused by one strain of the virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV), these non-cancerous growths can appear and grow quickly, usually on the soles of the foot. These warts can also appear on the hands, and when this occurs, they are referred to as palmar warts. It is important to note that the strain of the HPV virus that causes both plantar and palmar warts is not the same one known to cause the more serious genital warts. Read More»

When Is It Time to Talk with a Podiatrist about Heel Pain?

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Experiencing heel pain can quickly turn into a host of other problems, as issues with the range and smoothness of your gait can translate to trouble with your ankles, knees, and lower back. Not everyone is thrilled to visit a podiatry practice, but it’s a good idea to learn when it might be time to stop toughing it out and ask for a professional’s opinion. Dealing with Heel Pain Long before you go to a doctor, you’ll want to treat the immediate effects of heel pain. Read More»

How You Can Treat And Prevent Foot Pain When You Run Daily For Exercise

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Foot pain is fairly common among runners due to the long period of repetitive motion when you run and the pounding your feet take from running on hard surfaces. Injuries are common too, which results in further pain. Pain and injury are especially common when you first start a running program and haven’t learned how to care for your feet properly. Here’s a look at what causes foot pain when you run and how you can treat and prevent it. Read More»